Welcome to Ecocycle Cameroon

Transforming Plastic Waste into Valuable Resources in Cameroon

Contact Us

What is Ecorecycle Cameroon?

EcoCycle Plastic Solutions Cameroon is a forward-thinking recycling plant dedicated to addressing the escalating issue of plastic waste management in Cameroon. Our mission is to transform plastic waste into valuable resources, contributing to environmental sustainability and economic development. EcoCycle Plastic Solutions Cameroon employs a multifaceted approach to plastic waste management:

  • Collection: Partner with communities, businesses, and municipalities to gather plastic waste through incentivized schemes.
  • Recycling: Use advanced technology to convert plastic into high-quality materials for new products.
  • Education: Conduct campaigns and workshops to promote recycling and sustainability.

Effects of Plastic Waste!

Plastic waste is a significant issue in Cameroon, leading to severe environmental, health, and economic challenges. With rapid urbanization and increased plastic consumption, the country struggles with inadequate waste management infrastructure. This results in plastic waste clogging waterways, harming wildlife, and contributing to soil and ocean pollution. The health risks are alarming, as improper waste management spreads diseases and contaminates food sources. Economically, plastic pollution affects the tourism industry and incurs high cleanup costs, putting a strain on government and community resources.

  • Pollution: Clogs waterways, harms wildlife, and contaminates soil.
  • Health: Spreads diseases and contaminates food sources.
  • Economy: Increases cleanup costs and damages tourism.

Our approach to solving the problem.


Partnering with communities, businesses, and municipal bodies for effective plastic waste collection


Utilizing state-of-the-art technology to process plastic waste into high-quality recycled materials


Conducting campaigns and workshops to raise awareness about recycling and sustainable practices


Comprehensive solutions for plastic waste management in Cameroon

Plastic Collection

Partnering with local communities and businesses to collect plastic waste through incentivized return schemes

Advanced Recycling

Processing collected plastic into high-quality recycled materials for manufacturing new products

Educational Programs

Conducting workshops and campaigns to raise awareness about recycling and sustainable practices

Corporate Partnerships

Collaborating with businesses to implement sustainable waste management solutions

Consulting Services

Offering expert advice on plastic waste management strategies to organizations and government bodies

Recycled Product Distribution

Supplying high-quality recycled materials to manufacturers for sustainable product creation

EcoCycle Plastic Solutions

Innovative solutions for plastic waste management in Cameroon


Our impact on plastic waste management in Cameroon

Community Partners

Recycling Projects

Tons of Plastic Recycled

Team Members


Our dedicated professionals working towards a cleaner Cameroon

Atem Ebako Tahirih

Founder & CEO

Lesley Ndiseh

Environmental specialist

Anthony Nchinda

Business Manager




Get in touch with EcoCycle Plastic Solutions Cameroon


Mukete Road
Kumba Town, Cameroon





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